We see a future where life is sweet, but without the sugar

We see a future where life is sweet, but without the sugar


Ah, the eternal ‘why.’ The question that’s been thrown around since we were ankle-biters.

Why do we endure the horror of sprouts, why does the chicken keep trying to cross the road, and why, oh why, does candy bring such delight yet leave us feeling like we’ve been hit by a sugar bomb?

We can’t help you with the first two questions but we were determined to tackle the final one. Surely we could make delicious sweets without all that sugar?”

Well, guess what? We’ve cracked the code!
Introducing NeatSweets – the answer to your candy conundrums. Low in sugar, powered by plants, and tasting like the sweet treats of your dreams!

Say goodbye to guilt and hello to candy bliss!

Stay Sweet

We are on a mission to make life sweeter without all that sugary & unnatural nonsense

The neatSweets way

Embrace Your Inner Child.

Be Brave. Go Sour.

Make Your Mom Proud.

Don't Sugar Coat It. Sugar is bad.

Connect. Follow. Enjoy.

Follow us on TikTok, and Instagram for your daily dose of sweet mischief.

Natural Flavours

High In Fibre

Low In Sugar

100% Plant Based

Gluten Free

Natural Flavours

High In Fibre

Low In Sugar

100% Plant Based

Gluten Free

The Future Of Candy is Here

More than just sweet